Darren Stach

Hometown: NY, NY
Location: North Bergen, NJ
Coach hat, Alpha Industries Bomber in maroon, ELEVENPARIS G.I. Joe T-Shirt, Wrangler cutoff denim, Adidas by Raf Simons (Stan Smith).
UD: What is your style vibe?
DS: I would like to think my style is labeled as "Gay Bro"... I like to think I'm perfectly dressed for a football game and / or a drag show!
UD: Name a few places you can rely on for inspiration...
DS: Most of the time it comes from seeing someone on the subway dressed a certain way and trying to figure out how I can pull that off.
UD: Re: style, what sets you apart from the rest?
DS: I know how to balance a preppy look with nerdy characteristics.
UD: Do you put conceptual or visual thought into your outfits daily? How?
DS: Not as much daily but more so for specific occasions. I like to feel like I’m playing into the situation I’m going into. I won’t dress for the zoo like I would for the met.
UD: What are some of your go to brands?
DS: I really like to shop at American eagle for my outer layers! I scan the internet for comic book shirts that make it look like I’m begging for a time machine.
UD: Do you tailor clothes often?
DS: Not as often as I should! My jeans wish I would (instead of dragging them under my feet). I've busted the seams on a few shirts give that quick faith stretch to get into some of them.
Alpha Industries Bomber in maroon, ELEVENPARIS G.I. Joe T-Shirt, Wrangler cutoff denim, Adidas by Raf Simons (Stan Smith).
UD: How do you feel about the current men’s style landscape?
DS: I am enjoying the inclusion of more plus size dudes, but I find it’s a lot of the same looking white guys and that tends to get really boring.
UD: Does your cultural background play into your style choices at all? If not, how do you differ from that?
DS: It is by no means a shock when people discover that I’m a white boy from the suburbs! I think what sets me apart is not being afraid to embrace the influences of my childhood on my clothes.
Zanerobe T-Shirt, Hi-vis workwear from CAT Industrial.
UD: What is the most obnoxious struggle when you're shopping for clothes?
DS: I can never seem to find those jeans in stores that have the perfect waist to length ratio! It’s also a pain to be a different size in different stores.
UD: What are some exciting aspects of fashion to you right now?
DS: I love that the beard is here to stay!
UD: If you could say anything to men's clothing designers and manufacturers, what would you say?
DS: Chill with the amount of material you feel the need to use for the larger sizes. My arms don’t need to disappear under my sleeves just because I have a big belly.
UD: What gets you excited about your personal style?
DS: I usually buy my clothes in waves, so every time I do I feel like it’s a new era and I’m in a different aspect of my character!
Denim jacket from TOPMAN, T-Shirt from Zanerobe.
Photography by Lewis Meyer-Peddireddy