Louis Merino

Hometown: Hempstead, New York
Location: Queens, New York
UD: What is your style vibe?
LM: It's hard to describe since its always changing and growing... At the moment the vibe is serving impactful looks via minimalism.
UD: Name a few places you can rely on for inspiration...
LM: There's so many! I love going to gallery openings in Chelsea and seeing whats new in the art scene. I also do a lot of research on current street fashion, reading and going through fashion publications. One of my favorite go-to's is the Japanese magazine FRUiTS. The photographer just knows how to capture styles that are so raw and innovative.
UD: Re: style, what sets you apart from the rest?
LM: I evolve and grow with my style. I don't like saying that I have a specific type of style bubble cause my tastebuds are always getting hit with new fashion flavors.
UD: Do you put conceptual or visual thought into your outfits daily?
LM: There are times where I really do put an outfit together with a story behind it; when that happens it's usually due to my emotions at that moment. For example if I'm feeling cheery, I tend to go for more light and innocent colors like pastels and nudes. If I'm going through something a little more tense, I tend to use colors that make bold and strong colors. Cobalt Blue or Emerald Green especially since it makes me feel very powerful and rich, like the colors themselves. Other times I just grab whatever and it just works.
UD: What are some of your go to brands?
LM: Right now I'm going through a phase where I make my own clothes, so I don't really buy anymore. With that said, some brands I do follow and would like some pieces from would be Vêtements, House of Holland and Comme De Garçon...
UD: How do you feel about the current mens style landscape?
LM: Right now men's fashion is going through changes that were much needed. A lot of brands are creating garments with feminine colors or gender ambiguities in general... it shows a progression and I'm here to experience it.
UD: Does your cultural background play into your style choices at all?
LM: I'm of Salvadorian decent . Our culture is very colorful and cheery even though we as a people are going through a difficult era. Growing up in The US has added another layer to my cultural fusion. For me seeing the evolution of fashion through my mom and my aunt was very interesting... I was very intrigued by the mix of fabrics and silhouettes, different embellishments and makeup. It has absolutely influenced my style today...
UD: What is the most obnoxious struggle when you're shopping for clothes?
LM: Finding something that intrigues me. I have the tendency of going into a store and not knowing what I want. I never have a clear image of what I want. I always have those "eureka" moments, but with that said, it always leads to indecisiveness. So it's kind of a pain shopping with me!
UD: What are some exciting aspects of fashion to you right now?
LM: I like that fashion, at the moment, is going through a lot of change. There are many new creative directors and designers that are changing the norms of fashion and basically rewriting the previous set of rules.
UD: If you could say anything to men's clothing designers and manufacturers, what would you say?
LM: Be a bit more daring. Take the next step to elevate men's fashion. Let's take it beyond shirts and bottoms. Add more versatility!
UD: What gets you excited about your personal style?
LM: The fact that I never know what exactly I'm going to wear. My mind is definitely packed with information that I know can compose beautiful outfits and create garments the same. Everyday is a new and fresh look.